Vol. 2 – Ticket To Improv
$15.95 – $24.95
Subject Lesson Songs:
- One Note Samba
- There Will Never Be Another You
- All The Things You Are
- Bonus Solo!
The time-tested and acknowledged pathway to become a skilled improvisor is to play your instrument at every jam session or other opportunity that becomes available. That’s exactly how the early greats learned their craft, simply by playing jazz, not wasting time talking about modes, scales or unimportant activities that prevented them from actually playing their instruments. As seen in 26 prior DVDs, the core success of the Robert Conti approach is his ability to teach the jazz language (improv) at the street level, where it actually began.
If you’re an entry level jazz guitarist such as a blues or rock player trying to make the crossover to jazz, Ticket To Improv will take you on one of most exciting and productive musical events of your life. Very soon, you will be impressing your friends with your new playing skills.
As in each of his learning products, once again, Conti delivers another “Motherlode!” How? By teaching you exactly how to start playing an arsenal of lines over the chord progressions to three “must know” tunes that are played in every real life jam session. More importantly, after you learn the first three tunes, he will also teach you how to quickly begin reshaping those lines for usage in other tunes.
Volume 2 Subject Lesson Songs:
- One Note Samba
- There Will Never Be Another You
- All The Things You Are
- Bonus Solo!
Ticket To Improv, Volume 2 Includes:
- Printable PDF of lesson solos in notation & tablature
- MIDI files of single note solos & rhythm sections
DVD Running Time: 4 Hours
From TTIv1, performed by Adam Hinchliffe
I just recorded One Note Samba, a much more uptempo version of the Ticket To Improv 2 solo. The first chorus is the conti solo and the second is my own improv using what I have learnt :) Hope Robert likes it, cheers!
(Excerpted from a jazz guitar discussion forum)
The genius of it, in my view, is that your fingers will say "Hey we've played this before" but your mind will be saying "But this is a different chord progression..." and you start seeing how licks and lines can be moved around. For a strong intermediate player or advanced player, these solos would not be very challenging; but for folks trying to learn improvisation using tunes, and for folks who also would like, as a secondary benefit, to actually end up with something they can play with friends or at pick-up jam sessions, it's quite helpful.
As always, Robert's Lessons are a 5 out of 5!
Dear Mr. Conti, I just wanted to tell you how "cool" and helpful your "ticket to improv" DVDs have been to me. I ordered awhile ago and kind of just stuck them in the corner and life got in the way and really didn't get a chance to dig into them. Now that I have, I can't believe I'm actually playing stuff that is "jazz guitar." Your words regarding just jumping in and playing really hit a nerve with me. I'm the classic "rock/blues" player that you referred to. I never thought I could play it because of my "lack of theory." Sure, I know some theory and scales but I wouldn't have been able to play this style without your help. I'm finally getting it! The fact that you are such a world class and quality player only adds to the impact of your words. Thanks so much for offering your teachings to all of us. Rock on! or should I Jazz on! Great stuff.
From TTIv1, performed by Dr. Kathy Durante
I would like to thank Mr. Conti for all of his products. I own four of his Source Code books, all of the Ticket T Improv, and two of the chord melody DVD's and I'll be purchasing more in the near future. My guitar has never sounded so good!
Hi! My name is Jim Brown. I am retired and I have been playing guitar since I was a child. I have had a very difficult time learning jazz improvisation. I started the Conti Ticket to Improv course about six months ago and have to say that I wish I found this course much earlier in my guitar career. I have tried many guitar books and courses in the past, with little success. Most courses emphasize theory, scales and licks. The Conti method uses whole songs and melodic lines. None of the other methods I have tried in the past have given me the access to the melodic lines needed to learn jazz guitar. In particular, this method covers melodic lines that run four measures, or more, you learn by playing actual jazz solos. The Conti approach is ideal for people trying to learn jazz who feel like their progress has stalled. Mr. Conti is one of the true New York Italian jazz guitar pros of the sixties. For those of you on a limited budget like myself the cost of the CDs in the ticket to improv series is ridiculously low, especially when using the new streaming option. Now is the time to get instruction from a jazz great before the opportunity is gone.
Facing upcoming retirement, I decided to learn to play guitar; after finding myself on a dead end street I found Mr. Cont's instructional videos. He has shown me the highways and avenues of music as well as the back roads. His approach to Guitar Jazz improvisation is unique and now I am playing Jazz concepts! His instructional videos are the best!
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